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The advancement of cyber threats, sharp increases in supply chain attacks and widespread compromise of privileged credentials have all been indicated as persistent concerns among cyber practitioners and IT professionals alike. Throughout the 2022 Cybersmart Series, GovExec consulted these very government and industry experts to better understand their priorities in addressing these concerns and pathways towards modernizing security operations.
Now, as we approach a new year full of opportunities and risks, with an influx of cybersecurity funding on the one hand and an ever evolving threat landscape on the other, how can decision-makers sift through the many security avenues available and decide what direction makes the most sense for them? In this final episode, GovExec revisits the lessons learned from throughout the 2022 Cybersmart Series pulling together only the most pertinent pieces of advice and consideration as you plan the year ahead. Join us for a recap on zero trust and access management best practices, key funding opportunities available and the importance of a cyber ready workforce.
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Alex Whitaker, Director of Government Affairs, NASCIO
Amy Hamilton, Senior Cybersecurity Advisor for Policy and Programs, Department of Energy
Bhargav Vyas, Assistant Superintendent for Compliance and Information Systems, Monroe-Woodbury Central School District
Chezian Sivagnanam, Chief Enterprise Architect, National Science Foundation
Doug Levin, Co-Founder and National Director, K12 Security Information eXchange
Ernie Ferraresso, Associate Program Director, Cyber Florida
Gregg (Skip) Bailey, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), U.S. Census Bureau
Gregory Williams, Former Director of Security Risk and Compliance and Identity Access Management, State of Colorado
Jaime Lynn Noble, Chief Information Security Officer, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice
Lester Godsey, Chief Information Security Officer, Maricopa County
Wei Luo, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Federal Election Commission
Kevin E. Greene, Chief Technologist, CyberRes Federal
George Jackson, Executive Producer, GovExec TV